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Talent form

To join our network and be considered in priority for positions, apply to our talent pool. We exclusively focus on shore management positions within the shipping industry so we are looking for experienced candidates from the Industry. Not all profiles would fit our requirements, but if your profile appears to be suitable, we will confirm your acceptance in our talent pool.

If you have management experience outside shipping, you must be willing to invest and learn to enter this industry. Please make sure to clearly precise what motivates you.

Filling the form will provide us with more details on your expectations and motivations, and increase your visibility to be selected for the talent pool. Confidentiality is our first concern, your data will always be safe (privacy statement), and you remain in full control since we will never send your data to our clients without your permission.

Data Privacy

Oceo talent recognizes and respects the privacy of candidates and applicants. The data submit to us remains confidential and is used only for the purposes stated in the Privacy statement.

By clicking “Yes, I have read the Data Privacy Statement and I accept it”, you agree to Oceo Talent using and storing your personal data (including any sensitive personal data) in accordance with the privacy statement.

talent form
Privacy statement. * :
* :
* :
Gender :
* :
* :
First Language * :
* :
Position Type :
Desired Annual gross salary :
Willingness to Relocate :
Please use the free text field to provide information on your motivations.

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